Well, there's a squirrel or two living in the vehicle that might have been a coffee truck. But that's not what we mean by bio-diversity today!
Without going in to too many explanations or apologies, there are some ever-changing changes to the ever-changing plan. Eh, it's the ecosystem of life. Sometimes the deer eat your garden. Throw what's left on the compost heap and sooner or later you'll have good soil.
On June 1st, Take This Cup coffee will be brewing at the White Memorial Bio Blitz. You can read all about this exciting all-night biology convention on my friend Jamie Fisher's blog : www.whitememorialbioblitz.blogspot.com. They will actually be counting every bug, bird and beaver that sets foot, feeler or feather on White Memorial for a 24 hour period. I will be setting up on day 2 of the event, when all the scientists are good and delirious and ready for a great cup of coffee.
More details to follow..... but here's one important one. I've got to have a good run-through, and I'm going to do it in my trusty backyard. I would love to invite all of you who have so kindly and generously purchased coffee cards to come and use them at the .... shall we call it a Grand Opening or a Dress Rehearsal? The Grand Rehearsal, Sunday May 26th in the merry morning hours.